pug love

What's Next? (And a Zelda Launch Debrief)


Hello Friends! I hope all my blog friends and followers enjoyed the pug palooza on the blog last week. If you didn't, I have good news–the pug posts are back to a once a month schedule. In all seriousness, thanks to those who helped publicize the launch of the third book in the Zelda series: The Adventures of Zelda: Pug and Peach. Zelda fans have commented the third book is the best so far.  I agree–I feel like the Zelda saga hit a fantastic groove with the introduction of Peach in the third book.

As for the launch success, I had great publicity and traffic on the blog and on social media. The conversion rates could have been better, but I am getting a better sense of what works and what doesn't work for promotion of children's books.

For the most part, advertising or email list sites don't seem to do much for Zelda book sales. I have a theory they may do better if the first Zelda ebook was free. On the other hand, working with the pug community sells books, and they are super supportive. I mean who doesn't love Chubbs the Wampug?


So what's next for me?

I'm taking a hiatus from the Zelda series for several months to focus on my young adult and longer fiction works. I'm currently halfway through the first draft for my second full length young adult novel. It is a follow up to The Photograph, but I hesitate to call it a true sequel or series. This book takes place several months after the end of The Photograph, and follows the story of Lillie Gable, who was a secondary character in the first novel. I should finish the first draft in the next two weeks. After the first draft, I will go through and do my first round of revisions, then send to beta readers. I'm thinking a late winter of 2015 release (maybe February?), but it's too early to say yet.

I also have a completed first draft for the first book in what will be my Ozais series. The Ozais series is a fantasy project that I am super excited to write. I wrote the first draft this summer, and I will be working on revisions when Lillie's story goes to beta readers. I'm hoping for a spring release for the first Ozais novel. This is by far the most ambitious of my current projects, so I'm taking care to make sure this series is well-planned.

Finally, I will sneak in some Zelda writing this winter for the fourth Zelda book. I already have plenty of ideas for this fourth book–it's amazing that the stories for Zelda and Peach continue to emerge. I expect the fourth Zelda book to release in the summer of 2015.

The above projects are on my plate for the fall and winter.  I'm doing very well with time management right now, but basketball coaching starts at the end of October, making my schedule much trickier to manage. However, I'm writing faster and better with each project so I'm hopeful I will meet my goals.

What are you writing this fall?