
The Unexpected Blessings

Last week, I encountered an unexpected and expensive computer issue. It bummed me out for a few days. I was frustrated with the situation, myself, and the cost of the repair. 2013 has been a tough year for many reasons and this computer issue was another brick in the tower of setbacks. Luckily, I married a pretty awesome guy who took it in stride. He talked me through it and said we will be fine and that we are blessed. He is right.

We have the money to pay for unexpected expenses. We have friends and family who support us, even if we disagree with them or we are grumpy. We have the freedom in our lives to allow me to pursue my dream of writing.

We are blessed.

Going into Thanksgiving week, I encourage you to look at the blessings in your life. I know it's cliche, but that's okay. If you are reading this blog, the chances are you have more than you will ever need in this life. Be grateful. You are blessed.