The Zelda and Peach Photoshoot


I had a grand idea for a photoshoot with Zelda and Peach to help promote the release of the third book in the Zelda series The Adventures of Zelda: Pug and PeachI grabbed my camera, the dogs, and my husband and off we went to get some good pictures. I thought it would be a piece of cake. Last week, we went canoeing and managed to get some great shots of them while in a canoe with doggy life jackets!We jumped in the jetta and took a short ride to a nearby park. This was the first shot. As you can see, Peach and Zelda were not cooperating–double snaggleteeth and a tongue. We tried a few more times with no luck, so we switched locations, out of the sunlight.

At this point, Zelda's photogenic powers returned. She jumped onto this ledge on her own and was a champ while we snapped some pics.


Peach, on the other hand, was still not cooperating. In fact, I think she wanted to kill us for putting her on this pedestal.


We left the park and returned to our neighborhood and familiar territory. Peach was much happier here and we were finally able to get some good pictures. Well, almost.


Peach refused to display her best feature–her ears. This was the closest we could get to a picture with Peach's ears standing up in all of their magnificence.


Here's the shot I like the best. No Peach ears, but no weird sunlight or shade and more importantly, two happy dogs!

Don't forget to join in the launch week fun for your chance to win some Zelda books! Check out this post to learn how you can win some books or where you can buy the latest book in the Zelda series.