This was a tough month of reading for me, but I plowed through 4 books. March will be a bigger reading month, especially since I'll be sidelined for a couple weeks due to my hand surgery. Here are the reviews for this month! Remember, the first to comment on this post wins a copy of the book of the month!
The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien - After seeing the first Hobbit movie, I finally picked up Tolkien's Hobbit. I have no idea why it took me so long to read this book. The Hobbit is a fun adventure story. Tolkien mixes the perfect amount of description and exposition. I loved the book and look forward to picking up the LOTR trilogy again in the near future.
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen - I'm trying to read one "literary classic" a month and I decided to start with Pride and Prejudice which was one of my favorites in high school. It's been several years since I've read it, so in some ways I felt like I was reading it for the first time since I'm well into my adult years now. I was quickly reminded that I couldn't blow through this book quickly like I do for many books I read due to the language and depth. But, I was also reminded why it was one of my favorites. I love the dialogue and how Austen forces us to carefully think about our actions, words, and stereotypes.
Fat Vampire by Johnny B. Truant - Fat Vampire follows the story of Reginald, an overweight man who is turned into a vampire and therefore, stuck as an overweight man for eternity. Fat Vampire is a quick read due to the succinct storytelling and its short length. (It's more of a novella). But, the concept is fun, the book made me laugh and I enjoyed the quirky main characters. This is the first in the series and I'll probably pick up the others in the future. Quick note, there is adult language in this book.
Book of the Month
The Snowman by Jo Nesbo - I'm making my way through Jo Nesbo's Harry Hole crime series and the Snowman is my favorite so far. If you haven't read any in the series, you can pick up the Snowman and not miss too much. The story follows alcoholic detective Harry Hole in his search to find a serial killer nicknamed the Snowman. Nesbo's writing puts you into the action and the descriptions are vivid, yet horrifying at times. About halfway through, you think the plot is wrapping up, but you know better since there are 200 pages left. Nesbo does an excellent job of giving you hints of what's to come, yet keeps the twists and turns coming throughout the novel. This is a great read!
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