Launch Day for the Second Saga of Zelda Pug!

IMG_0377 Zelda and I are super excited for the launch of  The Adventures of Zelda: The Second Saga. The second book of Zelda adventures centers on a big move and a search for a new friend. She has an encounter with a goose, meets Norman, steals some Thanksgiving turkey, and many  more adventures. If you like the first book, I know you will like the second!

If you are new to the series, read about the books here or read the first chapter of The Adventures of Zelda: A Pug Tale for free

Much like the first book, Zelda's Second Saga is available on all major e-book platforms and in paperback. For the first weekend, the e-book is only $2.99 so pick it up now and save a couple bucks.

If you are planning to pick up the book, I'd love for you to buy it today or this weekend and maybe the critical mass can send a curly tailed pug up the best seller charts!

Finally, if you read the first Zelda book or the second, the best way to support me is to spread the word. Please leave an honest review at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, iBooks, or Goodreads. Or simply recommend the book to a fellow parent or pug lover. Thanks Friends!

The Adventures of Zelda: The Second Saga

Have you ever wondered what your dog is thinking?

Zelda the pug is back for a second round of adventures including a big move, new friends, and another encounter with Vacuum. The Adventures of Zelda is an exciting chapter book for young readers, providing a glimpse into the mind of a curious canine. But no matter your age, pug fanatics and dog lovers will enjoy the adventures of this enchanting pug who grabs life like a bone and won't let go.


Amazon (Kindle & Paperback)

Barnes & Noble (Nook Book & Paperback)


Apple iBooks
